How to Get Started in Sobriety (Tools to Quit Drinking)

Not drinking is only the beginning of getting sober. We need to learn new tools and skills to take care of our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. Here are the things I recommend starting with and if you're having trouble going back and forth, then adding new things from this list could be helpful.

Sobriety Podcasts

When I first decided to quit drinking I felt really ashamed and I didn't want anyone to know. I knew I should probably go to a meeting, but I was scared someone might recognize me. Podcasts were an easy way to get some support and info and maintain my privacy. I binged sober shows while I was at work and it helped keep my mind off of shame and worrying about forever. I obviously recommend my podcast if you haven't checked it out yet, but here's a list of shows that I love if you are looking for more.

Quit Lit (Books about Quitting Drinking)

The next thing I did was start reading books about sobriety aka quit lit. Books are helpful too because we learn that we aren't alone in our struggles and we see success stories of how others have overcome their drinking and got out.

Here are my favorite books that I read in early sobriety:

  • The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober

  • Drinking: A Love Story

  • Alcohol Lied to Me

  • Blackout

Here are some more books to check out:

  • Dry

  • Soberish (available for pre-order)

  • We are the Luckiest

  • Push Off From Here

  • Quit Like a Woman

  • This Naked Mind

  • Alcohol Explained

Sober Community

This is often the overlooked one because we think we should be able to do it on our own. Community helps because it creates a safe, shame-free space where you can be yourself and share what you're going through. Community works best when you consistently show up and build relationships with the group, so when you are in crisis, you feel that you can reach out. 

If you are looking for community, then I'd love for you to connect with us in Living a Sober Powered Life

Non-Alcoholic Drinks

Not everyone loves AF drinks, and I covered why they are safe to drink but why they may also trigger some people in episode 77 of my podcast. AF drinks helped me because one of the reasons I drank was for the taste and the fanciness of it. Having a tasty AF drink helped me feel less deprived and left out.


If you know me at all, then you know I am all about walks. Rage walks and first thing in the morning walks are a lifesaver for me. I notice a major change in my mental health when I slack on my morning walks. When I first quit drinking I walked 7-8 miles a day for months. It really helps. I encourage you to go on a walk every day and listen to a podcast or audiobook.


In my opinion, therapy is essential. Everyone should go. I was so ANGRY in early sobriety and I didn't understand why. Therapy helped me learn why and what to do about it. We are pretty emotionally immature when we quit drinking, because we have years and years of never having to deal with emotions. Therapy can help you learn what your emotions are, why you feel them, and how to cope with them in healthy ways.

Gillian Tietz

Gillian Tietz is the host of the Sober Powered podcast and recently left her career as a biochemist to create Sober Powered Media, LLC. When she quit drinking in 2019, she dedicated herself to learning about alcohol's influence on the brain and how it can cause addiction. Today, she educates and empowers others to assess their relationship with alcohol. Gill is the owner of the Sober Powered Media Podcast Network, which is the first network of top sober podcasts.

5 Reasons You Crave Alcohol


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