Signs I was a Problem Drinker (That I Ignored)

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In a recent conversation with my husband, I reflected on the memories I hold about our current house. While we enjoyed drinking on our porch together, I realized most of my drinking nights ended in fights, tears, or feelings of anxiety and desperation. Despite this, my husband pointed out that I did have nights where I successfully moderated my drinking. I explained that these moments felt like a waste because I couldn't achieve the desired effects with just a couple of drinks. I found that the times I cherished most were when I could consume an entire bottle of wine and stop, hitting a certain level of inebriation but avoiding the worst consequences.

However, considering moderation strategies involving 5 drinks as successful is a warning sign. My ability to tolerate large amounts of alcohol wasn't a natural trait; it developed over time due to my excessive drinking. Reflecting on my experiences, I realized various alarming signs: regularly getting accidentally drunk, needing to finish all alcohol in the house, difficulty stopping or cutting down, trying multiple moderation tactics, and having irrational fears of accidents while drunk.

I had convinced myself that moderation was possible, but my fear of self-inflicted harm and my growing depression and anxiety proved otherwise. My attempts at moderation only led to worsening mental health. After analyzing these patterns, I finally embraced sobriety, recognizing the destructive path I was on. If you're struggling with moderation, I encourage you to reflect on your experiences, track your drinking time, and assess any irrational fears or worsening mental health. Writing about these struggles can be therapeutic and may help you understand the true impact of alcohol in your life.

Listen to episode 16 to learn more about signs you might be a problem drinker:

Cite this article:

Tietz, G. Signs I was a Problem Drinker (That I Ignored). Sober Powered. 2020

Gillian Tietz

Gillian Tietz is the host of the Sober Powered podcast and recently left her career as a biochemist to create Sober Powered Media, LLC. When she quit drinking in 2019, she dedicated herself to learning about alcohol's influence on the brain and how it can cause addiction. Today, she educates and empowers others to assess their relationship with alcohol. Gill is the owner of the Sober Powered Media Podcast Network, which is the first network of top sober podcasts.

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