Drinking Envy and Wishing You Could Be “Normal”

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Drinking envy happens when we observe others enjoy alcohol without the struggles we face. This can trigger feelings of resentment and inferiority. The key to break free from this is acceptance and understanding that our relationship with alcohol is different, which is not a matter of self-control or personal strength.

How I deal with drinking envy

I saw that while my husband could enjoy a drink without it consuming his life, I could not. It wasn't because he was stronger; my brain just reacted differently to alcohol. I used to envy him, especially during warm weather outings or vacations when he’d enjoy a cocktail. What helped me the most is asking my husband to not drink wine around me, because that was my favorite drink. Not observing the whole ritual with wine was very helpful.

You can still socialize sober

Quitting drinking doesn’t mean quitting socializing. You can still socialize sober. Recognizing the truth about your drinking helps reduce the envy you might feel watching others drink.

To handle this drinking envy, a valuable technique is 'playing the tape forward' – visualizing the outcomes if you were to drink. Will you stop at one drink? Will you sleep well? Will you regret drinking the next day? By comparing your experiences to those you envy, you’ll see the stark contrast. And while we cannot change how we react to alcohol, we can change our perspective and responses, helping us manage drinking envy and remain sober.

Learn more about coping with drinking envy in episode 116

Have you ever wished you could just be “normal”? I used to think that all the time and sometimes I still do. Feeling envious of people who can have 1 drink and move on is totally normal, but we have to be careful that this doesn’t lead into thinking trying to moderate is a good idea or lead us into victim mentality. In this episode you’ll learn about drinking envy, how it can hurt your sobriety, and what to do if this is something you really struggle with.

What to listen to next:

E103: Why We Use Alcohol to Enhance Our Experiences

E81: Why We Drink: Social Drinkers vs Problem Drinkers

E79: Why We Romanticize Alcohol


  1. Envy - IResearchNet. Psychology. Published January 10, 2016. 

  2. Burton, N. The Psychology and Philosophy of Envy. Psychology Today. Published 2020. ‌

  3. Kunst J. Seven Deadly Sins: Envy | Amethyst Recovery Center. Amethyst Recovery Center. Published February 5, 2016. 

Check out this episode for more

Tietz, G. Episode 116: Drinking Envy and Wishing You Could be “Normal”. Sober Powered. 2022.

Gillian Tietz

Gillian Tietz is the host of the Sober Powered podcast and recently left her career as a biochemist to create Sober Powered Media, LLC. When she quit drinking in 2019, she dedicated herself to learning about alcohol's influence on the brain and how it can cause addiction. Today, she educates and empowers others to assess their relationship with alcohol. Gill is the owner of the Sober Powered Media Podcast Network, which is the first network of top sober podcasts.


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